
Install this Apache::ProxyScan
like every other perl module do

  perl Makefile.PL
  make test
  make install

Prepare Apache for use of Apache::ProxyScan
You need an Apache 2.0 webserver with mod_perl 1.99_12 or higher
(If you want to use Apache 1.3 use Apache-ProxyScan-0.31)  

Add the following lines to your httpd.conf
Use the proper wrapper for your av-tool from Apache-ProxyScan-X.XX/eg/ 

  PerlTransHandler  Apache::ProxyScan
  PerlSetVar        ProxyScanScanner "/usr/local/bin/"
  PerlSetVar        ProxyScanTempDir /var/cache/virus/dl/
  PerlSetVar        ProxyScanPredeliverSize     102400
  PerlSetEnv 	    SCAN_TMP 	   /var/cache/virus/av/

If you want to handle https requests as well, activate mod_proxy and allow
the handling of CONNECT requests:

  ProxyRequests On

  <Directory proxy:*>
      Order allow,deny
      Allow from all
    <LimitExcept CONNECT GET POST>
      Order deny,allow
      Deny from all

Install your av wrapper
Install the wrapper for your av tool from Apache-ProxyScan-X.XX/eg/ into
your favorit directory and fix the PerlSetVar ProxyScanScanner in your

Network design
Apache::ProxyScan only supports scanning files but not caching. 
Chain Apache::ProxyScan with a caching proxy, for example define the Apache
as a parent for a squid cache. (And if you are paranoid, scan or purge the 
squid cache directory after every pattern update for your av tool)

Customize existing av wrappers
If you want to add for example a contact email address in the "infected"
return page, add this line in the wrapper.

Write a new wrapper for an unsupported av tool
Don't write a new wrapper, take one of the existing wrappers and put in your
av tool command. ;-)

There are basically two kinds of wrappers:
The wrapper for clamav, sophos and mcafee call the av command via perl 
open call and read stdout of the av command and decide on the return code 
if the file was infected, suspicious or clean.
The RAV wrapper is built with expect, because RAV tries a TCGETS ioctl and
segfaults if no pty is present, but decisions are made on the same codes.
In general the open version should be enough.

The wrapper is called with one parameter: a temporary filename, where
the download was saved.

The result of the scan should be reported back to Apache::ProxyScan via
return codes.

The executable must return 0 if the file is clean and tested und the file
must not be deleted.
If the return code ist not 0 and the file still exists, we assume that the
call of the scanner wrapper failed. The file is not deliverd and a hardcoded
error message from Apache::ProxyScan is delivered.
If the return code ist not 0 and the file is deleted, then the Handler
returns the standard output of the wrapper script.

If you wrote a wrapper for an unsupported av tool, send it to
cpan at sourcentral dot org. Maybe I will put it into the next package
of Apache::ProxyScan.

The Power of Apache::ProxyScan
I started to write Apache::ProxyScan because we needed a virus scanning 
proxy on Linux for zSeries. 
The solutions provided for the integration of commercial av scanners into
open source proxy servers were rather ugly.
SQUID+SQIRM+ApacheCGI+WGET is the worst I can remember. Other projects 
provided patches for old and outdated squid caches and/or need a daemon
to scan the files.
I decided for a solution in mod_perl and Apache at the point I found 
the ProxyPass Example in "Writing Apache Mopdules with Perl and C" from O'Reily and the easy way to move the request and response headers between Apache and 

*fix this for ProxyScanPredeliverSize*
OK, and here the special sections about timeouts:
Users are used to get a growing download bar when the start a download.
We don't deliver a byte of the downloaded file until we know if it is clean
or not. If we deliver the beginning of the file and then need to report
that the file is infected, we only can interrupt the transmission but there
is no possibility to send a message why the transmission was interrupted.
The other possibility would be sending a "prepage" with a redirect in it but
then you need to disable your save-as button and a filter which files
should be delivered directly or with prepage.
Any ideas? Write an email to me and point out why your solution is the 
ultimate solution for this problem and why this solution is conform
to all the HTTP RFCs. ;-)

If you use Apache::ProxyScan as parent for a squid-cache use 
"read_timeout 90 minutes" in squid.conf to allow large downloads.

I am generally interested in wrappers for other av tools.
But I am also interested in "scanners", which remove ActiveX or JavaScript 
from HTML Pages for. Then the Proxy is no longer a Proxy conforming to the RFCs,
but your users are no longer vulnerable.

And I am interested in performance data.
Send me information about your box (CPUs, RAM, Disks), your av tool, 
the number of users, your daily throughput, your peak throughput per hour 
or minute and so on.

any comments? write to cpan at sourcentral dot org.